Friday, 10 July 2009

Chris James in the TRAK T-1600

Our very first demo paddler for the TRAK T-1600 was accomplished local paddler Chris James. Chris is a skilled & versatile kayaker, with extensive experience in surf ski, adventure racing & sea kayaking, where he holds an Australian Canoeing Sea Guide qualification.
He's also a busy guy, running the superb Neilsen Park Cafe & associated catering facilities - - with a heavy travel schedule, and the versatility of the T-1600 appeals to a bloke with his busy lifestyle. The big question though, is the boat up to a lumpy sea & bigger water? After a 15 minute assembly during which the sea sock (included with the boat) and inflatable internal float bags were meticulously fitted, Rob & Chris had a play with the boat in the calm water of the harbour. They then headed out through the heads into a lumpy 2m swell to test the boat's performance pedigree. Click on the image above to see a slideshow of the paddle & conditions, which the TRAK handled with flying colours.


  1. Looks like an exciting kayak with lots of potential. Here's a question put to me today when I told a folder-owner that EK were now selling folding kayaks: how long does it take to disassemble and pack away?

  2. Third go Dee, it took about 15 minutes to put together from bag to water, and about 10 minutes to pack away. Check out the video on the TRAK page in the left menu of our website for the Youtube vid of the assembly of the boat. It's ridiculously fast & easy.

  3. boat must be brilliant...looks like you don't need a PFD when paddling one! PS considered buying one for a short while this month,



The Velocimiser Sea Kayak Foil Rudder

After two solid years of R&D, we can finally announce a series of successful sea trials of our new foiling sea kayak rudder, The Velocim...